
118 Articles

Beware the spinal trap

Some practitioners claim it is a cure-all, but the research suggests chiropractic therapy has mixed results – and can even be lethal, says Simon Singh.

The Open Habitat Project

Background information As part of the development of our internet presence The Skeptic Magazine is collaborating with the Open Habitat Project in...

Skeptical Odysseys

Skeptical Odysseys: Personal Accounts by the World's Leading Paranormal Inquirers by Paul KurtzPrometheus Books, $27, ISBN 1573928844It’s almost impossible to summarise this brick of...

Darwin’s Mistake: Antediluvian Discoveries Prove Dinosaurs and Humans co-existed

Darwin's Mistake: Antediluvian Discoveries Proves Dinosaurs and Humans Co-existed By Dr. Hans J ZillmerFrontier Publishing (Netherlands), £14.99, ISBN 193188207X“The system of evolution seems convincing”,...

Rivals: Conflict as the Fuel of Science

Rivals: Conflict as the Fuel of Science by Michael WhiteVintage, £7.99, ISBN 0436204630Michael White’s latest book takes as its theme the role of personal,...

The Mammoth Book of UFOs

The Mammoth Book of UFO's by Lynn Picknett Carroll & Graf Publishers, £7.50, ISBN 078670800X Separating the hundreds of rubbishy UFO books from the true reference books...

The Mind Made Flesh: Frontiers of Psychology and Evolution

The Mind Made Flesh: Essays from the Frontiers of Psychology and Evolution by Nicholas Humphrey Oxford University Press, £11.99, ISBN 0-19-280227-5 Perhaps the first thing to be...

Aliens: Can We Make Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence?

Aliens: Can We Make Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence? by Andrew J H Clark and David H Clark Fromm International, $25.00, ISBN 0880642335 This book is by a...
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