Michael Marshall

80 Articles
Michael Marshall is the project director of the Good Thinking Society and president of the Merseyside Skeptics Society. He is the co-host of the Skeptics with a K podcast, interviews proponents of pseudoscience on the Be Reasonable podcast, has given skeptical talks all around the world, and has lectured at several universities on the role of PR in the media. He became editor of The Skeptic in August 2020.

The Society of Homeopaths, and the issues with regulating healthcare in the UK

The Society of Homeopaths are no longer accredited by the PSA, after the authorities new Standards require benefit to be weighted against risk

Inside the White Rose: The Covid conspiracy graffiti group operating on your doorstep

Throughout the pandemic, the White Rose movement has been growing, plastering towns with Covid conspiracy propaganda stickers

Jordan Peterson is wrong: medical error is absolutely not the ‘third leading cause of death’

Peterson's claim that "medicine kills more people than it helps" is the latest in a long line of demonstrably false claims - yet his fans continue to hang off his every word

Our guide to the pseudoscience promoters aiming to be the next mayor of London

From a former faith healer, to a climate change denier, to the man who premiered Plandemic - the conspiracy-minded voter is spoilt for choice in the London mayoral election

The conspiracy theorists who believe ‘traditional masculinity’ is under deliberate, strategic attack

Is there really a plan to end Western society by destroying traditional masculinity, or are these beliefs just old prejudices in modern dress?

Encouraging patients to question their vaccine eligibility will cause more harm than good

As the vaccine rollout continues at pace, it's vital that messaging to patients remains clear: if you're invited for a vaccine, please take it

When shows like Pod Save America run pseudoscience ads, they undermine their credibility

Podcast hosts have a real intimacy with their listeners - that trust is eroded when they advertise snake oil supplements and pseudoscience

Why we should have listened to Flat Earth believers (even though they were completely wrong)

Since making headlines in 2018, many Flat Earth believers have become Covid deniers and QAnon followers. The signs were always there.
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