Mark Horne is a former board member of the Merseyside Skeptics Society. He currently works in higher education fundrasing and has previously been a copywriter, researcher and campaigner.
In the decades since his death, Nikola Tesla has taken on a mythical status among his devoted followers, who attribute to him all manner of groundbreaking - and ultimately suppressed - inventions
While still a product of it's time, Reginald Scot's "A Discoverie of Witchcraft" in 1584 offered common-sense challenges to the moral panic around witchcraft
The Light - the anti-vaccination newspaper started by a prominent flat earther - has increasingly pivoted to spreading far right extremist conspiracy theories
Michael Yeadon, a former scientist at Pfizer, becoming one of the most prolific sources of pandemic pseudoscience shows that even experts aren't immune from misinformation
Twenty years after it was published, the Lacerta interview continues to inspire conspiracy YouTubers, UFO believers, and all manner of extraordinary claims.
Viral claims on social media warn of a grim, totalitarian future under the UN's Agenda 21... none of which even remotely resemble the real Agenda 21 goals