Mark Duwe

3 Articles
Mark Duwe is a web designer working mostly in advertising, but also teaches astronomy at evening class. He’s a qualified homoeopath (he didn’t take the final exam and passed with flying colours) and thinks reality is good enough without having to invent stuff.

From the archives: A comet’s tale

From the archives in 2012, Mark Duwe takes a look at a comet in the sky, and the appearances of comets throughout history

From the archives: Galileo’s Doughnuts – The day I saw a ghost

From the archives in 2012, Mark Duwe recounts the day he felt sure he saw a ghost... and what he may have actually seen

The Carrington Event and massive solar storms: just how screwed are we?

From the archives, Mark Duwe ponders the Carrington Event, and the effect that a massive solar event would have on the Earth
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