Kat Ford gained her PhD in 2022 from the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University. She is a member of the board for Merseyside Skeptics Society and one of the organisers of Skeptics in the Pub online.
That our superstitious beliefs can be explained by an inherited trait for hyperactive agency detection is simple, elegant... and not remotely evidence-based
What happened to Phineas Gage after his traumatic brain injury is a legend that has warped in its telling, but the real story shows us how remarkable the brain truly is
Is it really the case that more women are presenting in hospital with injuries caused by anal sex? Or is the media merely continuing to push stigma and taboo?
To get a sense of what's in store for 2023, The Skeptic's fearless reporters attended a prediction show by astrologer Jessica Adams, who (falsely) claims she has only ever been wrong once