Gabriel Andrade

14 Articles
Gabriel Andrade is a university professor originally from Venezuela. He writes about politics, philosophy, history, religion and psychology.

From Patmos to Waco: the impact of apocalyptic religious beliefs

On the thirtieth anniversary of the end of the Waco siege, it's worth considering how similar Koresh was to other apocalyptic religious prophets

Job’s QALY problem: Is the life of an existing child worth more than two future children?

Allocating our medical resources based on QALY - or Quality of Life-Adjusted Years - is important, but it has to be applied logically, rather than religiously

If Vladimir Putin wants to label liberals and the West “Satanic”, so be it

As the invasion of Ukraine continues to falter, Putin has sought to justify his actions with accusations of Satanism - by which he really means Western liberal values

Robin Dunbar examines the possible evolutionary role of religious thinking

Robin Dunbar, the noted evolutionary psychologist, turns his attention to the role of spiritual thinking in his new book "How Religion Evolved: And Why It Endures"

Abortion isn’t murder – despite their rhetoric, even the American religious right know it

It is abundantly clear that the so-called 'pro-life' movement in the US don't genuinely believe abortion is murder, they simply want power and control

The Catholic Fátima movement’s conspiracy theories over the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Pope Francis recently consecrated Russia and Ukraine in a misguided bid to end the war - to the dissatisfaction of the Fátima movement of Catholic priests
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