Edzard Ernst

31 Articles
Edzard Ernst is Emeritus Professor of Complementary Medicine at the Peninsula School of Medicine, University of Exeter. He is the author of ten books on complementary and alternative medicine.

Should we be skeptical of homeopathy research conducted in India? A look at the evidence

Research from India is more favourable to homeopathy than studies from anywhere else in the world - which should give us cause to be suspicious

Integrative medicine: Mixing cow pie with apple pie

A recent paper claims to offer a new definition of Integrative Medicine, but does little more than repeat the the same old tropes and special pleading

Health food stores, a danger to public health?

A Canadian study showed that health food shops were overwhelmingly likely to give misleading advice on cancer - are things any better here?

Four perspectives on peer review: why it goes wrong, and why we need to fix it

The peer review process is vital, but it is riddled with errors and issues; the quality of future science depends on trying to improve it

From the outset, chiropractors have held anti-vax views – sadly, not much has changed

Despite overwhelming evidence vaccines work, many chiropractors focus unduly on the risks, and refuse to recommend them to patients

Don’t believe what you think! Examining misinformation about so-called alternative medicine

What follows is a slightly modified and abbreviated version of the introduction to Professor Edzard Ernst's recently published book, Don't Believe What You Think. Why...

The First Quackbusters? The early battles between quacks and skeptics

From the archives, Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst reflect on the early history of the continuing battle between quacks and sceptics
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