Edzard Ernst

31 Articles
Edzard Ernst is Emeritus Professor of Complementary Medicine at the Peninsula School of Medicine, University of Exeter. He is the author of ten books on complementary and alternative medicine.

How should alternative medicine practitioners be regulated?

If alternative medicine practitioners are to be effectively regulated, they can't regulate themselves - but nor can they be given special treatment by governments

Alternative medicine for animals: why we should keep quacks away from our furry friends

A recent systematic review looked at the use of 24 alternative medicine modalities on cats, dogs, and horses. The results were less than impressive.

Acupuncture remains one of the most enduring pseudo-therapies – even though it does not work

Given there's no reliable evidence acupuncture works, and it has been associated with significant harm, its risks outweigh its benefits.

The Work of the ‘Münster Circle’

The 'Münster Circle' is an association of multi-disciplinary experts who aim at critically examining issues around alternative medicine

New systematic review finds zero evidence that osteopathy is useful for treating children

Despite a total lack of evidence that osteopathy is any help at all, many osteopaths routinely perform manipulations on babies and infants

Fighting health misinformation can save lives, and stop vulnerable people being exploited

Anti-vaxxer Barbara O'Neill planned to hold a UK workshop, but international collaboration between skeptics stopped her from spreading her health misinformation.

Chiropractic’s life-saving claims are just another flight of fancy

A viral post from a chiropractor claiming to have saved the life of an airline passenger further demonstrates that alt-med practitioners have no idea of their own limitations

Homeopathy goes nuclear: how the homeopathic industry remains detached from reality

Homeopaths around the world are offering remedies to protect against radiation, petitioning the WHO, and calling for wider use of their inert sugar pills
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