Deborah Hyde is former editor of The Skeptic and is a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. She writes and lectures about belief in the malign supernatural, with special regard to the folklore, psychology and sociology behind belief.
A werewolf attacks a man
Hans Baldung Grien
From Die Emeis (1516)
Guest Contributor: Deborah Hyde
Johann Geiler von Kaisersberg (1445-1510), the ‘Doctor Keisersperg’ of the caption above,...
Anthony Burns ruminates on Hitch’s persistent preoccupations, and wonders aloud about that supposed move from left to right
“For a lot of people, their first...
A Bohemian Vampire meets its end
From Les Tribunaux Secrets (1864)
By R. de Montaine
Guest Contributor: Deborah Hyde
The original vampire folklore came from central & eastern...
Kelpie & Lover
Warwick Goble
The Book of Fairy Poetry (1920)
Guest Contributor: Deborah Hyde
‘Water Horses’ of all varieties were usually reckoned to be male. Freshwater kelpies,...