Clio Bellenis

6 Articles
Clio Bellenis is a retired child and adolescent psychiatrist. She is a member of the Hampshire skeptics organising team, being its secretary and the MC for Winchester skeptics in the pub events. She has also spoken at various skeptics groups around the country.

Does a prohibition-based approach to drugs and disposable vaping make sense?

The government are often swift to ban recreational drugs, even without evidence of harm - but when it comes to disposable vapes, are they right?

What’s the better exercise for our health: lifting weights or doing cardio?

When it comes to health outcomes, there's no disputing that exercise is good for us - but how much do we need to do, and does the type of exercise matter?

The menopause can be painful, uncomfortable, and debilitating – so why is it under-researched?

The menopause is something that almost all women experience eventually - yet medicine is still filled with misleading claims around treatments like HRT

A double-edge sword: should we be labelling kids?

Labels in children's mental health offer validation, but risk pigeonholing, misdiagnosis, and overshadowing the child behind the diagnosis

Weight loss: it’s just calories in/calories out… isn’t it?

The belief that weight loss can be achieved via a simple calorie deficit is incredibly common, but, as is often the case in biology, the reality is more complex

Sean Ellis 1966 – 2020

Sean Ellis, skeptical activist, has passed-away after a short illness. The Skeptic remembers the life of a much-loved skeptic.
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