Chris French

36 Articles
Chris French is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London, where, until March 2024, he was also the Head of the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit. He frequently appears on radio and television casting a sceptical eye over paranormal claims. He writes for the Guardian and The Skeptic magazine and is a former Editor of the latter. His most recent book, published by MIT Press in 2024, is The Science of Weird Shit: Why Our Minds Conjure the Paranormal.

The mystery of Glastonbury Abbey: On knowing more than we know we know

While the messages at Glastonbury Abbey almost certainly did not come from spirits, a number of studies have shown that they may not have been created by deliberate fraud

The mystery of Glastonbury Abbey: When the spirit moves you

Critics often accuse Bligh of making up his claims about automatic writing, but experiments show that it's quite possible that he was sincere, albeit mistaken, in his claims

The mystery of Glastonbury Abbey: Messages from the other side?

Bligh Bond's 1919 book 'The Gates of Remembrance' is one of the first documented examples of so-called psychic archaeology, claimed to be written using automatic writing.

When it comes to the paranormal, do ‘sheep’ and ‘goats’ think differently? It looks like they do

A new systematic review examining cognitive functions and paranormal belief raises a few questions as to which papers were included, and why some were exclude

Is there really a recent spike in cases of spiking by injection?

Recent media reporting over the risk of being spiked by injection has caused a great deal of anxiety, without any real evidence that such an epidemic exists.

Exploding Head Syndrome is no joke – and neither is sleep paralysis

Sufferers of sleep paralysis and exploding head syndrome would experience less distress if more medical professionals were familiar with these relatively common conditions.

Why I now believe parapsychology is a science not a pseudoscience

The undeniable presence of poor practices in parapsychology doesn't mean the whole field is pseudoscientific - genuine scientific inquiry is still taking place

Recovering memories: The truth is, the Satanic Panic never really went away

The Satanic Panic never really ended in the 1980s - it continued to rumble along, waiting for a spark to reignite it back into full moral panic.
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