Brian Eggo

31 Articles
Brian Eggo has been running Glasgow Skeptics for over five years, hosting over a hundred events in that time. He has also spoken for a number of Skeptics groups and helped run SiTP organiser workshops at QED conference. His day job is training development and delivery for a tech company.

In modern-day Scotland, there should be no mandatory acts of worship in schools

Religious observance in school does more harm than good - we'd serve our children far better if we taught them about religion, without the indoctrination

Richard Saunders, on testing nearly 4,000 psychic predictions from the last two decades

Richard Saunders explains why he decided to wade through 20 years of psychic predictions, as part of the Great Australian Psychic Prediction Project

A night in The Drovers Inn: a special report from Scotland’s supposedly most haunted hotel

Is The Drovers Inn as spooky and as haunted as media reports and internet rumours would have you believe? Brian Eggo spent a night in the hotel, to find out

Psychic predictions for 2021 in review: peace talks from Donald Trump, and an end to Covid

2021 once again saw a slew of psychic predictions in the media - and a near-perfect record of misses and failures.

Aaron Rodgers is just the latest in a long line of sports stars touting health nonsense

When Green Bay Packers’ quarterback Aaron Rodgers hit the headlines with his vaccine misinformation, he joined the sporting pseudoscience hall of fame

“I do try to think more critically!”: The Parapod’s Barry Dodds on his belief in the paranormal

With the Parapod movie out now on general release, Brian Eggo sat down to talk ghosts and ghouls with the film's resident believer, Barry Dodds

Misleading propaganda from ‘Care Not Killing’ is designed to poison the well on assisted dying

Society needs to have an honest, grown-up conversation about the right to die - what it doesn't need is propaganda and misleading stats from special interest groups

10 songs that show there’s space for skepticism in the music industry

From Frank Zappa to Stevie Wonder to Genesis, we chart the often surprising skeptical contributions from the world of pop
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