Blake Smith

6 Articles
Blake Smith is a writer, researcher, and podcaster with a particular interest in topics that are weird and spooky. He produces two shows that explore these strange topics, MonsterTalk and In ReSearch Of. Blake lives with his wife, children, loyal dog and two indifferent cats in the southern United States. He can be reached at

Joe Nickell, legendary skeptical investigator, dies at the age of 80

The Skeptic says farewell to Joe Nickell, the enormously prolific skeptical writer and investigator, who died last week.

A search for meming: fighting the mind-virus virus

The meme of religion as a "mind virus" oversimplifies how we come to our beliefs, and actively harms our attempts to encourage people to question dogma

The Kentucky Alien Invasion: putting to bed the myths and mysteries

While plenty is known about the 1955 Kentucky Alien Invasion, some of the 'facts' most commonly shared by Skeptics are, themselves, more misinformation and rumour

Guns and Goblins: what really happened during the Kentucky Alien Invasion?

As one of the most prominent paranormal cases of the 20th century, a lot is known about the Kentucky Goblins case - so, what really happened?

The Hairy Hands of Devon: how a tabloid tale spiraled into a full-blown urban legend

Legendary horror stories of monstrously hairy hands sending drivers in Devon to their death can be traced back to a spate of tabloid tales in the 1920s

Is the US government worried about UFOs? Or is that just what THEY want you to think?

Before the media report on the US government's interest in UFOs, they ought to take a look at whose making UFO claims - and who is funding them
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