You may have heard the buzz about the unknown aircraft flying around over New Jersey – if you’re not aware, you can read my previous article for The Skeptic, where I ‘drone’ on about it. It seemed to be mostly based on your usual run-of-the-mill misidentified planes or satellites, but it wouldn’t be an internet frenzy without conspiracy subreddits and Facebook pages proposing outlandish theories. One notion being pushed by the loudest proponents, with the shiniest of tinfoil hats – such as Rosanne Barr and Alex Jones – is that we are seeing the implementation of “Project Blue Beam”.
If you haven’t come across Project Blue Beam before, it was a supposed plan first laid out by a Canadian conspiracy theorist called Serge Monast. In 1994, a transcript was published of a talk he had given several times, titled Project Blue Beam (NASA). Monast claimed that he had seen documents of a secret plan by the New World Order, under the guise of NASA, to end all religions and topple nation states, bringing forth the new government that would rule the entire world.
This plan was initially going to happen in 1983 – supposedly the start of the Age of Aquarius (there is no consensus on when the Age of Aquarius started/will start, but I have seen nothing to suggest it was 1983). Something had happened to delay that date (Monast doesn’t know what) and so it had been pushed back to the mid-90’s. Alas, when the new date came around… nothing happened.
Monast died mysteriously soon after the release of his publication, so could not comment on the reason for this second delay. And by “mysterious” and “soon” I mean he had a heart attack two years after he’d published the transcript of the talk he’d been giving for several years, and continued to give in his remaining time.
But with the arrival of these lights over New Jersey, Project Blue Beam is back in the hearts and minds of ufologists, religious zealots, and QAnoners once again. It’s finally happening, just as the plan suggested… right?
There are apparently four steps to Project Blue Beam:
1. The Breakdown Of Archaeological Knowledge
Step one is a nice easy one to lead us in: stage fake earthquakes, which will uncover planted “discoveries” that will undermine all the well-known evidence of the archaeological record that proves Christianity to be true.
How will these fake earthquakes be achieved? It’s unclear. Maybe some of the weather weapons Joe Biden was said to be using to cause storms and hurricanes in the US during hurricane season have an earthquake setting.
It is also unclear as to how the false evidence gets planted. Whether someone sneaks in to drop a bunch of bones and/or pottery, then tells archaeologists to go take a look; or maybe the archaeologists are all in on it – that’d explain why 2024 Ockham Award Winner, Flint Dibble, is so distrusted by the defender of truth, Joe Rogan…
You may have also been wondering what the existing scientific evidence is that archaeologists have been collecting that proves the truth of Christianity. I certainly was. While some biblical scholars have claimed that certain archaeological finds point to the veracity of the stories about Jesus, no hard evidence has ever been located.

2. The Drone Show!
This is the part that has excited the conspiracy theorists, as Monast talked about light shows in the sky. But, if we take a look at his actual words, it doesn’t actually match up:
“The second step deals with the gigantic space show with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faith. This new god’s image will be talking in all languages.”
The stories online have all focused around the USA, primarily New Jersey; have only referred to lights in the sky, rather than gigantic 3D images; none of the lights indicated anything religious; and nobody heard anything spoken. The shaky footage from mobile phones doesn’t demonstrate Serge’s step two, at all! There are only two correlating words: “light” and “sky” – that’s the whole shebang.
3. Telepathic Talk From Fake God
For good measure we will finish the other steps. Step three involves satellites beaming messages directly in to the heads of every human being on Earth, spoken in the native language of every single individual on Earth (this is done with super-smart computers on those satellites – now we’d probably claim AI and super-computers, but Serge hadn’t heard of those things in 1994).
What these messages are exactly is not provided, though Monast points to fear being used to control the masses and, in the published version of the speech, the transcriber interrupts at the shift between steps two and three to provide a handful of quotes from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (a debunked piece of antisemitic propaganda that was claimed to be written by a cabal of evil Jewish men planning to take over the world).
4. The Night Of The Thousand Stars
Our final step involves a night where humanity collectively loses its mind as a result of a faked alien invasion (perhaps this is the part that Rosanne and her ilk are warning about, though starting with step four seems a bold strategy). In addition to the fake alien invasion, we also have a fake rapture to make Christians believe they are being taken to Heaven. Step 4c is that electrical devices with microchips inside them will go crazy, and satanic ghosts will drive people to a purge-like night of death and disorder. Why Serge put your smart fridge spoiling your milk alongside demonic spirits bringing about the end times, I can’t say, but he did!
And there we have it: Project Blue Beam being enacted before our very eyes! If you look at it just the right way. And by right way, I mean you only read the words “lights” and “sky”, and ignore everything that clearly isn’t actually happening.