Med Beds: the futuristic health devices promising to cure you with undefined energy


Alice Howarth
Dr Alice Howarth is a research academic working in pharmacology and therapeutics at the University of Liverpool. She is vice president of the Merseyside Skeptics Society, has written for The Guardian, Breast Cancer Now and is co-host of the skeptical podcast Skeptics with a K. In August 2020 Alice took on the role of deputy editor for The Skeptic.
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As someone with a chronic health condition, I’m prone to having periodic flare-ups. The nature of the flare-up can vary, but often it means that I’m in a little extra pain, struggling with extra fatigue and need a lot more sleep, or generally just feeling a bit off.

Fortunately, I tend not to have people in my life who take this as a sign to offer me unsolicited health advice. Just as fortunately, I also have people in my life who know I love to dig into other people’s unsolicited health advice – which is why a friend of mine forwarded me a link that outlined all the incredible benefits of Tesla BioHealing Med Beds.

For those not familiar with these remarkable devices, they are apparently capable of all manner of wondrous healing effects, including:

* Recharging the energetic state of all cells of the body directly allowing the cells to activate their own self-repair mechanisms.
* Increasing the millivolt levels of the cells from as little as 15 millivolts up to the optimal healthy range of 70-90 millivolts.
* Increasing Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels naturally. ATP is known as the energy carrying molecule of the cell found in all forms of life.
* Increasing cellular repair rates while decreasing and even ceasing cellular destruction rates
* Facilitating DNA synthesis and the natural production of stem cells
* Strengthening the cells’ resistance to harmful environmental factors such as man-made electromagnetic frequencies and radiation.
* Harmonizing the hemispheres of the brain and acting as a natural anti-depressant.
* Facilitating a natural sense of calm and improving quality of sleep.
* Improving mental clarity and cognitive function.
* Normalizing blood pressure levels and blood sugar levels.
* Increasing circulation and decreasing inflammation thus facilitating the distribution of oxygen and providing a great deal of pain relief.
* Boosting libido and enhancing sexual health including improving fertility.
* Improving cell wall permeability thus enhancing nutritional intake as well as the body’s natural detoxification processes.
* Strengthening the immune system and protecting DNA from damage by increasing the energy of the hydrogen bonds that hold DNA together.
* Energizes the body naturally by increasing cellular energy directly, thus reducing fatigue while increasing strength and vitality.

Despite all of these amazing effects, every single page of the site promoting these devices was clear to state in at least two separate places:

Tesla BioHealing does not provide any medical advice. Our products, FDA-registered Tesla BioHealing OTC (Over-The-Counter) Medical Devices, and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues.

So, what is the Tesla BioHealing medical device and how does it work? According to Tesla BioHealing’s brochure:

This FDA Registered OTC medical device generates a field of pure Biophoton Life Force Energy that the cells of your body can use at will and as needed to promote self-repair.

They claim that this Biophoton Life Force Energy is actually produced and used by all living things – so we can make our own… but sadly (and somehow unsurprisingly), that’s not enough. Once our life force is reduced, due to age or sickness, then we’re told we need to apply life force therapeutically in a concentrated dose. Which is interesting advice from a company that keeps telling us they’re not providing medical advice, and that’s selling us a device they say can’t be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition.

The company I found sells two devices and one service. The first device is a budget version, costing just $599 dollars per device… though they recommend we buy one to two units if we have mild conditions, and two to four if our conditions are moderate. We’ll come back to what we need for severe conditions because, yes, they offer advice for serious conditions.

Already, that means spending up to $2359 (or around £2000) for four units, which look like little canisters – they’re around 3.5 inches wide and 4 inches tall, and each weighs one kilogram. They are also all completely opaque, so we cannot see what’s inside. The idea, according to the company, is that these small devices generate life force energy that your body can use. They release the energy continuously for three years, at which point they need replacing (how convenient).

To operate the device, you simply place it within three feet of the affected area, and then stay there for at least eight hours a day. Hey presto, all your ailments will be “self-repair[ed] naturally, non-invasively, and effectively.” That is a direct quote from the company. As is, you’ll recall, “FDA-registered Tesla BioHealing OTC (Over-The-Counter) Medical Devices, and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.”

Alternatively, you could fork out for the Med Bed generator. This also looks like a canister, but it’s much, much bigger. According to the website, one Med Bed generator is equivalent to 100 Bio Healers, so of course it makes sense that you can only buy them in pairs, for $19,999 (a little over £16,000). They weigh around 12kg and are 8.25 inches wide and tall.

The final thing Tesla BioHealing offers is a service – they have 8 Med Bed centres dotted across the US where you can pay $150 for a BioWell scan, and then $120 to spend one hour in one of their Med Beds, or $300 to stay overnight. One person who took up this service is investigative journalist Mike Wendling, for BBC Trending. He described his experience:

In my room, I felt nothing more than curiosity and a slight sense of unease as I gazed out the window at a mostly empty car park. The Tesla Med bed canisters were sealed in wooden boxes and a bedside table.

At the end of his session, he was given a second BioWell scan, which showed that his life force energy was already increasing – so while he felt nothing at all, the company’s own scanner offered proof that their service had been a total success.

While Wendling noted that all of the med bed canisters were blocked from view during the time he was there, the BBC Trending team did find some customers online who managed to open their canister to take a look inside.

We came across a TikTok video where an upset punter appears to have opened up a canister, only to find a concrete-like substance.

This isn’t merely a story about how people with ill health are persuaded to spend tens of thousands of dollars on useless devices to help with conditions that are hard to treat, especially in a country where healthcare also costs tens of thousands of dollars (it is worth grimly noting how the website is littered with invitations to set up finance options in order to afford these costly devices). There’s actually more to the med bed story.

The med bed lore

Med beds are not unique to Tesla BioHealing, they’re trading off a name that is well established in conspiracy theory communities. One Facebook post from 2020 says that med beds are here, and “… Here is a description of what med beds can do. They exist. And sooner than later, they will be available for all”. The accompanying text is a description taken from a site called Blissful Visions in 2018, and reads:

…There are three (3) types of Med Beds: (1) Holographic Med Beds; (2) Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s powered by a different source; (3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about two-and-half to three minutes will regenerate the whole human body, head to toe. What does this advanced technology mean for an 80-year old woman? She could be 30-years old again in less than three (3) minutes. Fifty years pealed off her life. Now, she can have children again. She could have a whole new family if she wants. It looks like to this writer that the Med Bed technology is a perpetual fountain of youth.

The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The technology has been around for quite some time. It’s not something out of the clear blue sky. It’s just been kept hidden from the human race for a very long time.

The technology of the Med Beds is not from planet Earth. It is not human-created technology. It is a technology that has been given to humanity by off-world ET’s. A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency…

So, we’re told, these amazing alien medical beds exist on Earth, and should be available to us. But when will we get access to them? According to conspiracy theory documenters The Q Origins Project on Twitter, in 2021:

Med beds are, basically, magical devices that can heal any illness or injury. The Q Team is supposedly going to release them to the public after the Storm.

As the account points out, it seems an electoral mis-step by Donald Trump not to have released his magic curative devices ahead of the election, and then ride the wave of goodwill back into the White House.

The belief that Donald Trump had access to med beds was so routine among QAnon believers that one supporter even wrote him an open letter in 2021, saying:

On a personal level, my wife is struggling physically. She has an autoimmune disease that is greatly and increasingly causing her more pain and suffering as the weeks drag on… She could use a MED BED. And so could two of our children who have taken the vaccine. They think I am a nut for believing in all this. And how many millions more across the country need a MED BED? My family is struggling, and so is our country.

According to adherents, med bed technology does more than just heal – Daily Beast journalist Kelly Weill encountered one Dallas-based QAnon group that “falsely believes that John F. Kennedy is still alive and youthful, and attributes his remarkable longevity to the curative powers of med beds.”

Weill also covered Romana Didulo, the self-proclaimed ‘Queen of the World’, whose sovereign citizen ideas and QAnon beliefs sit alongside claims that med beds are right around the corner, and that they “will be made available for FREE to all Canadians” after her revolution.

This is yet another example of the damage done by conspiracism; supporters of people like Romana Didulo or Donald Trump genuinely believe that miraculous medical cures are soon to be made available, to save themselves or their loved ones from deeply harmful conditions, and their distrust in conventional medicine grows with the claims that these cures are being cynically withheld from the population.

You might be forgiven for thinking the two types of med beds I’ve discussed here are two very different things. In a way, you’d be right. The conspiracy theorist med beds are far more magical in their claims than the likes of Tesla BioHealing, and the other companies trading off the name. But, knowingly or unknowingly, those companies are still taking advantage of conspiratorial beliefs, and encouraging spending large sums of money looking for cures that don’t exist.

Meanwhile Trump and Didulo and QAnon are selling an idea – the idea that they are on your side. That they will do everything they can to give you the cure, or the financial solutions or the legal support that will turn your life around… as long as you offer them your unwavering support.

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