Rebecca Fox on… Social Media

Rebecca Fox
Rebecca Fox is a graphic novelist and podcaster whose work explores how to communicate with people we disagree with, and how to engage critically but engagingly with pseudoscience.

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Panel 1.  Headed "Back in the Day..."A with red hair whispers into the ear of a woman with brown hair who is rolling her eyes and scrolling on her phone. The woman with red hair says "Another ad for yoga mats!"..."I think my phone is listening to me". Her friend replies "that's not a thing. Don't worry, everything's fine". A box at the bottom of the panel says "But it wasn't fine"
Panel 2. A long panel with a blue background and logos for various social media outlets connected by lines as a network. The top of the panel says "Just because the facts are wrong doesn't make the idea nonsense. It makes it fiction, and skeptics need to learn to read."

There is a depiction of a speaker tower. As if broadcast from the tower "Technology we don't understand is being used despite potential ill effects on our health".

Below, a pyramid with an eye in the centre. Text explains "Symbolism is part of the language of fiction"

Below; a circle of people wearing cloaks, one with devil horns and the same symbol on his chest, hold hands.  

The text as if from the speaker tower continues "Groups of powerful people work together to control our experiences for their own purposes"

Text explains "Biblical references are popular in fiction" above a depiction of a snake.

A box of text continues "Conspiracy theories, urban legends and folk news spread because they are convincing. They are convincing because, as all good writers know, there is truth in fiction."

There is a depiction of a lizard with curly hair, a hat and a pearl necklace. 

As if from the speaker tower: "An inhuman entity is growing stronger by feeding on resources unknowingly taken from us"

A box of text explains: "These ideas express real concerns of real people in the real world, which means they are worth listening to. Dismissing them out of hand only makes them stronger, looking closer might generate real insight."
Panel 3. Headed "Anyway, it's too late now"

"She's wrapped her phone in foil..."

"...and I'm trapped in mine..."

"...which has really put a strain on our friendship".

Cartoons show a phone wrapped in foil, and another with a woman, posed as if trapped inside, on the screen.

Illustrator: Rebecca On Paper
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